The DL Hughley Show

DL really ticks some folks off, so much so that they feel the need to express their anger! One fan blames DL for Jussie Smollett’s arrest. From the day the story broke DL has been telling anyone who will listen that Jussie made the whole thing up. Now, he’s been arrested and the fan would […]

The judge who will sentence the protester who climbed the Statue Of Liberty last year has received permission to make the climb himself. Thew judge says he wants to climb the statue to better understand “the risks or hazards” presented by the defendants actions. Meanwhile the protester faces 18 months in prison. Don’t Miss Out! […]

If you’re thinking about getting a tattoo you should really make sure you think long and hard about that decision. Before you sit in the chair make sure you consider, if the place is clean and if you want the design on your body forever. You need to make sure you’re okay with the price […]

Though Jussie Smollett hasn’t been convicted of a crime and is presumed innocent until proven guilty, DL still has an opinion. And by now we know that when DL has something to say he’s going to say it. DL feels that Jussie is guilty and the evidence is “overwhelming,” he says. But, he knows it’s […]

The US Senate just approved a pair of bills that aim to strengthen the partnership between Federal agencies and HBCUs. The act requires federal agencies and their grants and programs to expand participation with HBCUs and report their progress to Congress. DL isn’t buying it though, he thinks they just want to be able to […]

The number of transgender individuals and people who take hormones to “transition”  has seen a sharp increase in recent years. These hormone treatments have been allowing people to live freely and feel good about themselves but they don’t come without risks. New research suggests taking hormones may increase a person’s risk of developing heart disease […]

Have you ever thought about dating a single mom? Maybe you should consider it because single moms actually make great girlfriends! Here are a few reasons why, they’re “master manipulators,” because they’re “great under pressure,” they’re responsible with their money, and she knows how to keep a house together. Try it! Don’t Miss Out! Follow […]

Online dating is getting more and more popular. With that comes risks, one of them being fake profiles. Scientists have created trained software to think like humans and be able to identify fake dating profiles. It hasn’t been approved for public use but they say it works and can help protect people who are looking […]

Black inventors have contributed so much to our society but for some reason they don’t get that much attention. For starters we wouldn’t have traffic lights…can you imagine the roads without them? Sounds dangerous. We also wouldn’t have pacemakers! Pacemakers are medical devices that save a number of lives every year. Hear more in the […]

Old school sayings are the best aren’t they?! Well while we walk around hanging om to our old slang we may be confusing the heck out of our kids. These kids have no idea what “I’m totally getting 12 CDs for a penny,” means. They probably haven’t even seen a CD before. Don’t Miss Out! […]