About Bilal G. Morris

Bilal Morris is the senior editor at NewsOne. He is based in Atlanta and covers Black folklore, politics, and race. He also specializes in SEO and evergreen content. Bilal was hired by Interactive One in 2021, but has worked for the company for over 10 years. He started at Radio One in 2010 as an Online Editor in Richmond, VA. Before his time at NewsOne, Bilal was the Regional Online Editor In Atlanta, GA. He has also worked at iHeartRadio in New York City. He is a professional photographer, dog lover, gamer, and has quite the green thumb. You can find him on Instagram and Twitter.

Jackson is set to headline Essence Fest this weekend in New Orleans, LA.

Hollywood can be a place associated with the superficial, but many stars use their platforms and their fortunes to help those in need. For many Black actresses who’ve made it to A-list status, staying in touch with the community is a way of life. Here are our top picks for the most generous Black women […]

A bill was introduced to congress that aims to make Puerto Rico a state by 2021. Last year the Puerto Rican’s voted in favor of becoming a state. It’s not a secret that America has been treatingĀ  Puerto Rico poorly lately, and DL wants to know if they’ll be treated better if they are granted […]

California Representative, Maxine Waters, told the public to make the Trump administration uncomfortable in public spaces. Trump responded by calling for auntie Maxine to be physically hurt. Donald Trump and his entire administration has thrown civility out of the window, the things they have said about minorities, disabled people, and immigrants, are disgusting. DL is […]

The controversial death of Trayvon Martin polarized the nation, sparking a racial divide that led to organization of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Martin was simply walking home from the store when he was attacked and gun-downed by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman. Shawn Carter, who brought forth the compelling and heart-wrenching Kalief Browder documentary, teamed up with […]

The family says 112-year-old Richard Overton's banking accounts were hacked.

The freedom of speech that we take so much pride in, that sets us apart from other countries, is costing people their lives. For example, Maxine Waters has been receiving death threats since she made a comment against the Trump administration. There are people who are threatened, assaulted, and even killed as a result of […]

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is the 5th movie in the Jurassic World franchise, andĀ Oleebo the Bootleg Movie Warrior is getting sick of them! In this movie, Christian Pratt’s character has to save all of the dinosaurs before the island is destroyed. The dinosaurs aren’t scary, they look more like giant chickens to Oleebo. OneĀ thing the […]