The DL Hughley Show Fertility clinics in the U.K. are in the middle of a making an argument that many people might find strange. They’re arguing that fertility clinics should be able to take sperm from dead men as well as accepting donations from living men. They believe that if it is morally acceptable to be able to […] When women want to have sex but won’t say it they do some pretty interesting things. Sometimes women will joke about just being friends, which seems like it defeats the point, but they do it. They may also just randomly sit on your lap at a weird time. Yep, ladies are weird. Listen to […] D.L. Hughley wants to make it very clear that “death does not make your life antiseptic.” In the aftermath of the death of Kobe Bryant many people around the world are shaken and grieving his loss as well as the loss of 8 other lives. But of course, there are some folks who D.L. […] D.L. Hughley wants to make it very clear that “death does not make your life antiseptic.” In the aftermath of the death of Kobe Bryant many people around the world are shaken and grieving his loss as well as the loss of 8 other lives. But of course, there are some folks who D.L. […] The Supreme Court decided to allow the Trump administration to make it easier to deny immigrants entry to the country or residency because they have used or may used public assistance programs. The new rules establish new criteria for who is eligible and who isn’t eligible to be on the path to US Citizenship. On January 26, 2020 the world suffered a great loss in the death of Kobe Bryant and his Daughter Gianna. They died in a helicopter accident along with 7 others, including two of Gianna’s teammates. In memory of Kobe, here are some of his top moments. The first time he played in the NBA […] Baltimore, Maryland has the highest STI rate in the country. According to statistics there are about 2,400 STI cases per 100,000 people, with the most common being chlamydia. The second city on the list was Jackson, Mississippi with 1,800 cases per 100,000 people. followed by Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, San Francisco, California, and Montgomery, Alabama. Have you ever been so hung over that you say “I’m never drinking again?” Well….if you decided to make good on that statement there are a number of things you will definitely not miss about drinking. Like, the legal consequences (DUIs), how much money you spend on drinks, and spending time getting drunk instead […] Yesterday the impeachment proceedings went on for 12-14 hours. D.L. says it “must have been exhausting” for the U.S Senate to “put in a full days work” like the rest of us. After all of that time the Senate is still “insisting on having a trial with no evidence or documents” which D.L. calls a […] When looking for a new relationship, being asked on a date is exciting! But there are a few first date ideas that you should probably turn down. While going to a casino is a fun night out with friends, it’s probably not the best place for a first date. And chilling at home is […]