The DL Hughley Show Because of the Coronavirus pandemic most people aren’t going to the movie theaters. But, Oleebo has a film that he thinks everyone will like. Sonic The Hedgehog stars Tika Sumpter and it is “straight out of the video game,” he says. Sonic must defeat the evil genius who wants to lock him in his […] The coronavirus has changed how we do just about everything, including funerals. Funeral homes across the country are following CDC guidelines and limiting gatherings. The body itself doesn’t pose a threat to guests, but the other attendees do. Many are requesting that families life stream funerals and promising to host a large memorial service […] Sitting at home all day can be super boring. But, we’re all doing it right now so you’re not alone. To keep yourself from going completely crazy you can call or FaceTime your friends (who are also stuck at home). You can get an indoor workout done, read a book, and find new things […] Ever since the coronavirus has taken over the headlines people have been super conscious of their hygiene. But you should have been doing a lot of these things before the coronavirus became an issue.  You should have been cleansing your hands when you enter a place, sneezing into your elbow and cleaning your phone. Donald Trump has called the Coronavirus the “Chinese Flu,” and D.L. knows exactly why he said that. He says that once again Trump is making it about race, “even in a pandemic.” In a time where the entire world needs to come together, Trump is being divisive. Spain has it, Italy, has it and […] Since the coronavirus pandemic began life has changed, a lot. People’s anxieties and fears are sky high, schools and jobs are closed  and people are stock piling supplies. People have finally started taking hygiene seriously and there are limits on how many people can gather at a time. Now, the CDC recommendation is to […] According to a new study crying has some serious benefits. It can reportedly help you lose weight because when you’re crying cortisone levels increase. Scientists also recommend crying between 7 and 10 p.m. so you can cry  over a sad movie or broken relationships. So, if you’re a crier this has to come as […] Pretty much everyone is talking about the coronavirus. D.L. wants to make sure we are all prepared and know how to best protect ourselves and families from getting sick. Of course you should wash your hands often. But you should also seek immediate care if you experience shortness of breath, avoid large crowds and […] Over the weekend we heard from the CDC and were told to be prepared to “hunker down” for 8 weeks to slow the spike of the Coronavirus. That sounds like a great plan, but most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, meaning they can’t afford to miss 4 paychecks. The government is looking into a […] It’s officially March which means college basketball March Madness is here! But, Oleebo points out that there is madness in other places too. Like the movie called ” The Way Back.” staring Ben Affleck . It’s about a widowed, former basketball all-star who attempts to comeback by becoming the coach his high school basketball […]