The Tom Joyner Morning Show

Sherri says she hasn’t had sugar in 190 days; even her neck is skinny now! Kym has noticed that she’s dressing differently lately and today she’s basically wearing nothing. Sherri claims she’s wearing a romper but Kym says it looks more like a black bra and 8 inch heals. Kym said it could be cute […] David Reynolds, 25, says he was at home washing his dog when police showed up at his door. When they attempted to enter without a warrant he denied them entry and closed his door. That’s when he says they kicked his door in, handcuffed and pointed AR-15 guns at him. Police say they received […]

The Tom Joyner Morning Show

The Froebel High School walkout of 1945 in Gary, Ind. is considered a watershed moment for race relations in the city. On this day, white students walked out of the institution in protest of racial integration, highlighting tensions in the city that still exist today. Froebel, a school constructed in 1912, was said to be […]

Brett Kavanaugh claims that he never sexually assaulted anyone, but a few things aren’t adding up. If you did nothing wrong, why did your lawyers have a list of over 50 women who knew you more than 30 years ago readily available? It seems like they knew that these allegations could come out and they […]

Lethal Weapon will return for its third season on Fox Tuesday Sep. 25. Tom and the crew talk to one of the stars of the show, Keesha Sharp, about this upcoming season. Sharp says she’s especially excited about this season because she has been “blessed” to be able to direct episode six. “Sometimes you just […]

Tom Arnold and Mark Burnett allegedly got into a physical altercation on Sunday at an Emmy party. No one knows exactly what happened but according to Huggy, it sounds like Burnett, “got his ass kicked!” Arnold was a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice, which Burnett executive produced and Trump hosted. Arnold is allegedly unhappy with Burnett because […]

Chris Gardner is the man who Will Smith portrayed in The Pursuit Of Happyness. Starting today, he will be speaking at 100 schools all over the country giving students “permission to dream.” Since losing the love of his life five years ago, Gardner has made it his life’s mission to “inspire the next Chris Gardner.” When […]

Roland Martin talks to US Senator from Florida, Bill Nelson who is running for reelection against Republican Governor Rick Scott. Despite people saying that he hasn’t been campaigning well enough, reports show that the race is extremely close. Nelson thinks that people feel he hasn’t been campaigning well because his opponent has been on TV […]

Men, if your nails are longer than your “finger meat,” cut them! Your nails do not need to be longer than your woman’s. Guy doesn’t want to shake hands with any man who doesn’t have trimmed nails. And if you smell like goat milk lotion he really doesn’t was to shake your hand and smell […]

Over the weekend Tom and Guy were in New York and got a chance to ride in the African American Day Parade. They say they knew they would be in the sun all day and looked for sunscreen but couldn’t find any. They think it’s because they were in Harlem and Black folks have a […]