The Tom Joyner Morning Show

We all thought Huggy took a personal day yesterday because he was in jail! We really thought he was the one who ran on stage with Beyonce and Jay-Z. According to Huggy it couldn’t have been him; he didn’t even make it to Atlanta. He missed his flight and it’s safe to say he won’t be […]

Breakups are difficult enough, but imagine seeing your ex with their new boo! That’s rough! This man took it so hard that he began throwing biscuits and yelling racial slurs. Police say that the biscuits were so hard that they caused injury to his ex. The man was arrested and injured himself by banging his […]

The Allstate Tom Joyner Family Reunion is this weekend! Sybil’s book club will meet twice on Friday, during the day it’ll be featuring April Ryan and her new book, Under Fire: Reporting from the Front Lines of the Trump White House. And after dark It’s all about Kym Whitley’s The Delusion Of Cinderella. Do you have your […]

People who fall under the Virgo sign were born between August 23- September 22.

The Tom Joyner Morning Show

Beah Richards was a veteran stage, film and television actress who worked over four decades in a number of prominent productions. The Oscar, Golden Globe, and Tony Award-nominated actress won the first of her pair of Emmy awards on this day in 1988 for her role on CBS’ Frank’s Place. Richards was born in Vicksburg, […]

Aretha Franklin’s funeral isn’t until Friday, August 31, but already, precious pieces of her reportedly $80 million dollar estate, which Franklin left without a will, are in demand. According to CBS, PETA sent a letter to Franklin’s niece, Sabrina Garrett Owens, asking the estate to donate the Queen’s collection of furs to PETA’s fur donation program, which recycles them […]

It has been one year since Hurricane Harvey blew through Houston and there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Houston mayor Sylvester Turner says if it weren’t for the kindness of others, “we would not have made the progress that we have made.” He specifically thanked the TJMS listeners for their contributions; […]

TODAY WE ARE TALKING ABOUT OUR OLD RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS. WHY? As you may have heard, the labor market is very tight. This means we are likely to see increased churn in the labor market as people try to take advantage of the fact that the negotiating power currently rests with workers, not employers. As people […]

The French Open made a controversial decision to ban Serena Williams’ black cat suit because they claim that it lacks “respect” for the game of tennis. Which is ridiculous because Nike designed the suit for her to help prevent blood clots, and because Williams is the game of tennis! The French folks sound like a bunch […]

Guy says the bible states quite clearly, “love thy neighbor,” and “treat others how you want to be treated.” To him that means when there is a guest in your home you should provide them with the same nicety’s that you have for yourself. Including the bathroom, if you have nice toilet tissue  you should […]