The Tom Joyner Morning Show It’s Mike Tyson! It’s Dave Chappelle! It’s Jamie Foxx! No really, it’s Jamie Foxx! He and Tom go way back to when he was just Jamie from Terrell, Texas. For Foxx, Tom’s retirement is personal. He explains that he literally grew up with Tom Joyner on the radio, and Tom has been a presence […] This guest is royalty, and she says she”knows a thing or two about 25 years.” Her name is Oprah Winfery and she wishes Tom a restful retirement, but she says “it takes a minute to figure out your schedule” because for 25 years you’ve been in a routine. Winfery says she just “couldn’t let this […] This guest is on a number of Tom’s favorite shows and has a partner in crime that she sometimes hosts award shows with. Tom guessed right and it’s Tichina Arnold! Tom is so excited to talk to her and tell her that he has watch “every show” that she’s on. She woke up early […] Some businesses have policies that state “no kids allowed,” like beauty salons. Sherri finds the rules to be discriminatory, but Kym is okay with them. Some kids are bad and nobody wants to be anywhere with your “bad a** kids,” Kym says. She explains that she’s never offended when Joshua isn’t welcome places because […] This year is flying by! It’s moving “like Harriet Tubman on a Pelaton,” Huggy laughs. We are officially 20 days away from Christmas, 18 days away from Hanukkah…how did this happen? And Kamala Harris dropped out of the presidential race! Huggy thinks it’s because America wasn’t ready for a strong woman in charge. Shes […] Chris Paul has remixed the Frosty The Snowman song and it’s like nothing you’ve ever heard of. “Frosty the racist snowman” came to life after a MAGA hat was placed on his head and he cursed all of the Black people out. He was so racist that he burned a cross and the heat […] Tom and Dominique go way back! She says he has been one of her biggest supporters and has “always been down for [her].” Dominique can remember the day she auditioned to be on the TJMS and Tom told her she “knocked that out the park!” When she got the call and heard that she […]

The Tom Joyner Morning Show Good Morning Everybody! As you know, Senator Kamala Harris, who was the only Black woman running for the Democratic nomination for President, dropped out earlier this week. And I just want to have a moment of truth about her campaign.  First off, I hate the idea that white billionaires like Michael Bloomberg, are just […] Tom and this guest go way back, he even gets to sit in the big chair when Tom is out. It’s Skip Murphy! He’s the voice you hear during the holidays when Tom is off and he’s been a huge part of the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Back in 1993 when the TJMS became […] Eric Benet goes back at least 20 years with the TJMS and he can’t believe it’s coming to an end. Benet credits Tom with keeping “so many people employed,” and being an icon. The very first time he went to the studio he remembers being so nervous but the crew “made a new artist […]