
Cuffing Season – has had a bad wrap, but successfully played cuffing season can benefit your health in some very interesting ways. According to the Urban Dictionary, Cuffing Season is defined as “the Fall and Winter months, when people who would normally rather be completely unattached find themselves along with the rest of the world […]

It’s National Self Improvement Month. Time to prove yourself and set goals to help you on the path to making a better you. What you Think, You Become. How dramatically we can change our results is largely a function of imagination. The unique combination of desire, planning, effort and perseverance will always work its magic. […]

It’s no secret Superfoods have taken a supersized role in the marketing of trending, health-centered food products.  It’s not officially recognized by U.S. Food and Drug Administration, but it is recognizable to increasingly health-minded consumers looking to supercharge their diets. The term “superfoods” is used to recognize a group of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and […]

There are tons of great benefits to getting a great workout in the morning, but an evening sweat session is just as effective. There is a common misconception that exercising before going to bed is not good. Yes, vigorous exercises that will tire you out are bad because they increase your heart rate, activate your […]

A tenth of the worlds population are left-handed. That’s 10 percent of the population. There are some distinct pros and cons to left-hand dominance. Recent studies suggest people who are left-handed appear to have an edge in competing in sports like tennis and fencing or certain positions on the baseball field. If you’re a leftie, […]

Oscar-nominated director and screenwriter John Singleton long struggled with high blood pressure and suffered a massive stroke less than two weeks ago. He died Monday after being removed from life support, his publicist said. He was 51. A stroke, or “brain attack,” occurs when blood circulation to the brain fails. According to the American Heart […]

Gyms don’t always hand out a “Rules of Conduct” book when you join. You’re simply expected to act like a decent human being, clean up after yourself and generally behave. Problem is, common sense doesn’t necessarily reign in every fitness facility. If you use it, you wipe it. Be sure to sanitize!! Keep your eyes on your […]